麻省理工公开课合集 中英双语字幕 - 影盘社-网盘资源搜索神器
- file:Multivariate Calculus ocw 课程资料.rar
- file:搜索黑洞 第06集.mp4
- file:07.重力-失重.mp4
- file:28.流体静力学,阿基米德原理,流体动力学.mp4
- file:11.功.能.及万有引力.mp4
- file:22.开普勒定律,椭圆轨道,轨道改变.mp4
- file:35.略文老师在 MIT的早期日子.mp4
- file:27.气体与不可压缩液体.mp4
- file:18.六至第十五课复习.mp4
- file:16.弹性及非弹性碰撞.mp4
- file:03.矢量-点积-叉积-三维运动.mp4
- file:14.轨道及逃逸速度.mp4
- file:25.静力平衡,稳定性,走绳者.mp4
- file:13.简谐振子的运动方程.mp4
- file:33.理想气体定律.mp4
- file:15.动量及其守恒定律.mp4
- file:05.匀速圆周运动-离心机实验-感知重力.mp4
- file:20.角动量.mp4
- file:02.一维运动学-速率-速度-加速度.mp4
- file:01.《十的力量》短片:介绍40个数量级的直观概念.mp4
- file:04.三维运动-自由落体参考系.mp4
- file:31.钟摆及弹簧运动.mp4
- file:23.多普勒效应,双子星,中子星,黑洞.mp4
- file:24.倾侧运动,陀螺仪.mp4
- file:34.海森堡测不准原理.mp4
- file:17.单个对象的动量分析.mp4
- file:30.悬浮固体的简谐振荡.mp4
- file:19.旋转刚体.惯性.轴定理.mp4
- file:5.05. Branching and Iteration(P5).mp4
- file:23.23. Testing Debugging Exceptions(P23).mp4
- file:25.25. Errors(P25).mp4
- file:29.29. Class Instance(P29).mp4
- file:19.19. Simple Lists(P19).mp4
- file:22.22. Recursion and Dictionaries(P22).mp4
- file:4.04. Bindings(P4).mp4
- file:32.32. Special Methods(P32).mp4
- file:31.31. Method Call(P31).mp4
- file:11.11. String Manipulation Guess and(P11).mp4
- file:2.02. Shell vs. Editor(P2).mp4
- file:36.36. Understanding Program Efficie(P36).mp4
- file:1.01. What is Computation(P1).mp4
- file:13.13. For Loops With Strings(P13).mp4
- file:3.03. Python vs. Math(P3).mp4
- file:34.34. Getters and Setters(P34).mp4
- file:14.14. 4. Decomposition Abstraction an(P14).mp4
- file:7.07. Comparisons(P7).mp4
- file:16.16. Functions as Arguments(P16).mp4
- file:20.20. List Operations(P20).mp4
- file:33.33. Python Classes and Inheritance(P33).mp4
- file:27.27. Object Oriented Programming(P27).mp4
- file:24.24. Black Box and Glass Box Testing(P24).mp4
- file:17.17. Tuples Lists Aliasing Mutab(P17).mp4
- folder:麻省理工公开课合集 中英双语字幕
- folder:麻省理工学院公开课:多变量微积分
- folder:麻省理工学院公开课:经典力学 Walter Lewin
- folder:麻省理工学院公开课:Python编程和计算机科学导论公开课(中英字幕)
- folder:麻省理工学院公开课:电路与电子学 Agarwal
- folder:麻省理工学院公开课:西方世界的爱情哲学(精选4讲)
- folder:麻省理工大学公开课:计算机科学及编程导论
- folder:视频
分享时间 | 2024-11-02 |
入库时间 | 2024-11-22 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 有责*感的熊狸 |